About Us
Discussion & information of the film The Story Bridge: Bhutan to Lethbridge, A Journey in Community, and related topics. A few of these include Use of transformative film making practice to address challenges communities face, to the historical discussions of circumstances of forced migration, to integration challenges, to ways of connecting between communities, and tips for adjusting to North America.
The site is launched by filmmaker, artist, researcher, Jeffrey Bingley, it is for the community involved, and those who wish to engage with the community members on topics related to the film--the journey from Bhutan and bridge building. It is hoped the site will be jointly moderated by the filmmaker and members of the Bhutanese-Nepali_Community that participated in the film making, with guest commentators, member discussions, and so forth.
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Jeffrey Bingley, BFA, BS, MA
Canadian Bhutanese Society
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